10 TVC's We Don't Need To See In 2014
Here at The Ad Mad Dude we are trying our damnest to spread the revolutionary new idea that maybe, just maybe, ads should be interesting to watch.
To help ad men and marketers make ads that don’t suck, here are 10 TVC’s that we’ve all seen a thousand times and we really don’t need to see again in 2014.
If you can resist the urge to re-make these TVC’s this year, you will not only build an interesting brand, but also keep us TV viewers from killing ourselves.
10 TVC’s We Don’t Need To See In 2014:
The group of young women sing about tea TVC.
The TVC where a gang of cheerful young people sing about how i’m missing out if I don’t use their telecom service.
The beverage TVC where multi-ethnic people from all over the world jump around while a pop star sings.
The TVC about how I have to plan now and get insured for my future.
The TVC in which two famous sportsmen compete by doing something stupid.
The TVC where a kid tries to be desperately cute at the family table.
The TVC where the whole family comes together to enjoy XYZ.
The TVC about how I can bank from anywhere using my cell phone.
The TVC where a truckload of text flies at the screen in all directions and gives us a fucking headache.
The TVC in which people of all ages and all places repeat each other’s words and finish each other’s sentences.
Every one of these TVCs sucks.
They suck now, and they sucked 30 years ago when they were invented.
Please help us all out by making a pledge not to make any of these TVCs again in 2014.