40 Pros Share Tips for Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns (Infographic)
Marketing to online audiences can be tricky. Between Facebook and Twitter going pay-to-play, it would seem that the era of organic digital marketing is over. However, there are still ways to reach online audiences without having to launch a million dollar ad campaign.
With influencer marketing, businesses can take advantage of the influence of popular digital creatives. But this strategy is not without its challenges. Many brands struggle to identify the right influencers for their campaigns, while others hesitate to relinquish creative control, which undermines the organic nature of influencer marketing.
To wit, The Shelf, a marketplace that connects brands with influential bloggers, asked 40 marketers for their insights into running effective influencer campaigns. The advice ranges from immersing your brand into the communities you want to reach and understand the bloggers you want to work with, to making use of effective strategies like profile takeovers on Snapchat and Instagram.
One of the most important questions The Shelf asked was about tracking the success of influencer campaigns. Shannon Funk from XPose PR noted:
I look for boost in three main areas: social media following, traffic driven to the brand’s website, and the resulting e-commerce sales.
Check out the infographic below (or click here for the full version) to for more expert advice on how to run an effective and successful influencer campaign.