Dig-It 2.0 Presentations
SESSION: Integrated Digital Brand Planning
“Brand Planning Roadmap for Digital Success”
by Salman Abedin, Consultant & Masters Programme, Media Sciences, SZABIST.
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“Digital Storytelling: Leveraging the power of digital”
by Adnan Syed, CEO, The Green Man’s Ark (The GMA)
[slideshare id=28195610&doc=digit2-adnan-131113054921-phpapp02]
Digital Striptease – Cannes Exposed
by Michael Leander, Digital Marketing Speaker, Consultant and Trainer, Denmark
[slideshare id=27830659&doc=cannesexposedmichaelleanderpubl-131102014506-phpapp01]
A Keynote Presentation: “Creating the right mix – Ideation in the digital age!”
by Richard McBeath, Regional Director, Digital, Proximity
[slideshare id=28195684&doc=digitalpresentationpak-131113055106-phpapp01]
SESSION: Maximizing you Social Digital Assets
“Next Revolution of Social Media”
by M. Tolga Akçura, PhD, Founding Partner, eBrandvalue, Turkey
[slideshare id=28196064&doc=pkacem-131113060304-phpapp01]
“Likes, tweets, posts, comments…Managing your online communities to engage and retain customers”
by Harald Reedtz, Founder and CEO, House of Relations, Denmark
[slideshare id=28196158&doc=socialmediastrategy-dig-it2haraldreedtz-131113060532-phpapp02]
SESSION: Marketing Analytics
“How Brands can use audience data to increase ROI”
by Brendon Ogilvy, Regional MD, Effective Measure
[slideshare id=28362387&doc=digitpasconferencedeck-131118044134-phpapp02]
SESSION: Reaching millions: Urdu internet and its impact on the marketing community
“Urdu Internet: Leveraging Technologies” by Fazal Ashfaq
by Fazal Ashfaq, CEO, BSolutions
[slideshare id=28195703&doc=fazalashfaq-urduinternetdigit-131113055149-phpapp01]
“Computing support for Pakistani Languages, Challenges & Practices”
by Sarmad Hussain, Professor and Head, Center for Language Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan
[slideshare id=28195855&doc=languagecomputingdig-it-131113055553-phpapp02]
“A dream of a digitally active Pakistan”
by Badar Khushnood, Country Manager, Google
[slideshare id=28195819&doc=googleurdutools-131113055446-phpapp02]
SESSION: Rewriting the rules – Creative Brand Strategy for Mobile
“Mobile and its Impact on Human Behaviour”
Abdul Karim, Brand Experience Director, Mobily, Saudi Arabia
[slideshare id=28195546&doc=digit2-131113054750-phpapp01]
“Monetization of digital services and Telecom’s skin in the game”
by Ehtisham Rao, Director Marketing, Mobilink, Pakistan
[slideshare id=28195869&doc=monetizingdigitalatelecomview-131113055619-phpapp01]
“Staying ahead of the competition -Creating buzz with successful mobile strategy”
by Qazi Fakhir, CEO, Converge Technologies, Pakistan
[slideshare id=28196069&doc=qazifakhir-131113060313-phpapp01]
SESSION: e-Retail Start-ups – Implications on Brand Marketing
“The Purple Cow”
by Shahrukh Chaudhry, CEO, Deal Today
[slideshare id=28195162&doc=thepurplecow-131113053249-phpapp01]
“Measuring ROI on Online Marketing Spend”
by Muneeb Maayr, Co-Founder, Daraz.pk
[slideshare id=28195179&doc=20131027paspresentation-131113053327-phpapp01]
Dig-It 2.0 Workshops
“5 ways to get more from your digital presence; on site, in social networks and on the mobile”
by Michael Leander Speaker & Trainer Denmark
[slideshare id=27784783&doc=workshopmichaelleanderday1karachi-131031123626-phpapp01]
“Digital Media – Campaign Attribution Model”
by Umair Mohsin Global Director MI Digital
[slideshare id=28358001&doc=pas-workshop-131118021957-phpapp02]