Pakistan’s Social Media Marketing Snapshot – April 2014
April 2014 was a spirited month for Pakistan’s social media scene. Facebook remained the most important social media site for major brands, with the average number of Facebook fans (for top 20 brands) being 1,305,206 more than the average number of Twitter followers.
The Facebook industry giants witnessed the triumph of Fashion brands with over 17 million fans, followed (not-so-closely) by 13 million fans of the Electronic Industry. The Fashion industry may have bagged top spot, but individual brands stood out from their industry partners – OLX Pakistan remains the favoured brand. Mobilink has been a strong contender for months now, with Nokia Pakistan, Ufone and Intel following close behind.
In the battle for the social pie, media organizations Samaa TV and Express News have gained the top two out of five spots in the Top 5 Media pages category. Geo Super, BBC Urdu and Hum TV tag right behind.
The Telecom industry leads in the social devotion category. With the aggressive campaigns and price wars, this comes as no surprise. Telenor Talkshawk commands with a 99% response rate, Mobilink 98%, Zong and Warid tie at 97% and Telenor Pakistan with a low 86%. With the benchmark being 65%, the Telecom Industry has nothing to worry about.
A surprising twist in the engagement ratings: Dawn Bread’s Facebook page has received a monumental 395% increase in engagement rate. The Chakki Atta Challenge with toasters and mobile credit as prizes seem to have worked wonders. On the other hand, Shaheen Air and Chester Barnard have observed declining ERs.
With 128,000 total interactions, Nestle Fruita Vital’s giveaway has whipped the Most Popular Post spotlight, asking viewers to share a video to enter a lucky draw. Their #GetReal campaign not only worked advertising wonders, but also did well in engaging consumers.
Second place goes to Nokia Pakistan’s photo of the two Lumia cell phones – these high-end devices have been marketed by key social media influencers like the owner of Lolz Studios over the last few months. Along with successful advertising, Nokia Pakistan was able to obtain 52,000 interactions on this particular post.
Ufone bags top third with its 3G campaign and 50,000 interactions. With the 3G/4G auction being the biggest news the Telecom industry has had to share in April, it is a little surprising that Zong and Warid’s promotion of 4G services did not make the top spots, since they are the two brands currently offering 4G services in Pakistan.
All in all, April was a month with a few surprises in the Facebook world.
These analysis were contributed by ZeeSocial Pvt Ltd