A Snapshot of Pakistan’s Social Media Analytics – Jan 2014
Social media has taken the world by storm, and is transforming the way people around the world communicate. One million Pakistanis joined Facebook in Jan 2014. As of 31st Jan 2014, there are 12.6 million active Facebook users per month. With more than 50% users in the 18-34 age bracket, and with the majority of the remaining below 18 years, there is an enormous potential for brands to reach out and build enduring relationships converting fans to consumers.
FMCG has the highest number of Pakistani fans (close to 17 Million). Pakistanis seemed to be very fashion savvy atleast on social media as the second highest number of Pakistanis like Fashion pages (14 million) followed by Telecom (10million). Interesting at number 5 we have beauty pages which have highest fans.
The fastest growing page in January 2014 was ‘Advance Telecom’ who grew by 97,000 fans followed by ‘Threads and Motifs’ (High-end fashion) and Jobs in Dubai. Apparently many young Pakistanis see the glamour and wealth of a Dubai lifestyle which seems more accessible than the West. A community page ‘Go Green Pakistan’ was the fifth fastest growing page with 71,000 new fans. Now Go Green Pakistan page has 1 Million Fans.
Social Customer Care is picking up in Pakistan. Globally Airlines are most ‘Socially Devoted’ industry and Telecom in number 3 in listening and responding to customers in Pakistan. In Pakistan, top 5 ‘Socially Devoted Brands’ all belong to Telecom The most socially devoted Facebook brands in the country are Mobilink and Warid.
The brands with the highest engagement rates are Chester Bernard & Standard Chartered Pakistan. The most engaging posts this month were secured by Nokia – the top 2 out of 3 slots. Picture by Nokia got 29,000 and 25,000 interactions respectively. Interactions are Likes + Comments + Shares.
On Twitter, the 5 most popular profiles are Imran Khan, Hamid Mir, Wasim Akram, Ali Zafar, and Mubasher Lucman. Brands in the Twitter Top 5 include Mobilink and Warid yet again. And based on the number of users, Pakistan is ranked number 22 on LinkedIn. This is a consumer landscape growing like no other.
These analysis were contributed by ZeeSocial Pvt Ltd