Agencies across border!
3 months into 2014, and the landscape of advertising world looks promising. Few significant blotches of success include Dhamidi getting shortlisted for print ad competition initiated by Campaign, India, the launch of Golin Harris in Pakistan, the launch of the 4th PAS Awards 2014 that got 20% more entries compared to the last year and many brand changes that impacts the business of agencies.
One of the dominating news that stirred the market and may greatly affect the advertising business in Pakistan is the entry of Lowe Lintas India. After months of underground work that involved endless strategy meetings with Pakistani brands, Lowe India has finally scored two big brands to begin with. Engro Foods and Mayfair Sweets are two brands that shifted their advertising entirely to Lowe India and are now all geared up to launch something new.
This cross-border client-agency relationship is being viewed with skepticism; few suggesting this as “a big threat to the Pakistani Advertising agency”.
Call it complicated, problematic or downright easy; the wall is now broken to let all Indian agencies enter the Pakistani market. The good part is that the Pakistani agencies may also venture out and try their luck across border and pitch for clients there.
Mayfair that partnered with Lowe India in September 2013 feels it was an important decision taken by the management to re-invent Mayfair as a brand and organization. The objective is to have a better strategic and creative partner to give the organization a new direction. Also, packaging plays a vital role in the Confectionery and Biscuit industry, and India has many specialized design houses, which could be an interesting prospect for the future.
And Zeeshan Baker, Marketing Manager Mayfair opines, “From this partnership, we expect to get a fresh perspective along with innovative and insightful ideas.”
ONM (In collaboration with the local partner) and Lowe India initially pitched their proposals and Lowe India was selected based on their fresh perspective. Previously Mayfair account was being handled by Creative Com. and ONM.
Is this move in the right direction? Will it mean the “kill of creativity” for Pakistani agencies or “a wakeup call” to excel? Give us your opinion. Let us know if Lowe India entering the Pakistani market is the right thing to happen.