Mobile Marketing – Making it work in Pakistan
‘Mobile Marketing Workshop – Making it Work in Pakistan’ by Ms. Yasmin Malik
12th December, 2013 | Karachi Marriott Hotel | 9 am to 5:30 pm
Your next exciting marketing opportunity is in the palm of your customer’s hand. In an “always-on” cellphone culture, marketers have a lot of choices for getting their message in front of a receptive and qualified mobile audience.
“There are 6.8 billion people on the planet at present. 4 billion own mobile phones but only 3.5 million use a toothbrush” – Source:
This workshop is a real-time opportunity for participants to make a pragmatic evaluation of the opportunities and shortcomings available in the Pakistani Digital Eco-System; to gain not only a thorough understanding of what makes mobile marketing work – but what makes it work in Pakistan.
For registration and to download the complete brochure CLICK HERE