Mobile TeleSystems Launching 4G internet: Instagram provocation
Launching 4G internet MTS faced a challenge: to tell the audience about the main advantage of the new technology – its high speed. MTS and BBDO Moscow decided to be non-standard and to demonstrate not just the high speed of the mobile internet but the consumer`s benefit of the high speed, integrating the advantage into the user`s internet life.
The Russian show-biz celebrities and the most popular Instagram bloggers – Victoria Bonya, Alena Vodonaeva and Anna Sedokova once uploaded probably the most unexpected pictures.
In one of the troll-iest social media plays ever, these attractive Insta-celebrities posted photos captioned with the following hashtags: #sexy #oiled #myself #six #hot #naked #pumpedup #guys #red #latex #withanimals #cat #bear #horse #experimenting #crazy #positions #wow #amazing #ohmygod.
Except the photos never loaded. In fact, they were just images of the loading screen.
Comments and engagement went through the roof. The models followed up by posting ads promoting MTS’s new 4G service and apologizing for the false expectations.
Agency: BBDO Russia
Client: Mobile Telesystems (MTS)