PAS organizes a one-day workshop with Sunil Gupta
Pakistan Advertisers Society (PAS) organized a one-day training workshop on Marketing Communication – the brand building task in Karachi.The workshop focused on the brand building communication process with special emphasis on the Decision Funnel, the buyer purchase process and the importance of client – agency team work in creating successful brands. The workshop gave interactive learning experience with group activity and discussions, case studies and real life examples.
The workshop was conducted by Sunil Gupta, CEO, Sting Communications, an affiliate of Aprais Worldwide. He specializes in client-agency relationship and training and development providing his expertise in India, Dubai, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Having been associated with Hindustan Thompson as its Executive Vice President & GM and then with BBDO as its Chief Operating Officer, Sunil’s 28 years in advertising have resulted in a wide range of experience across diverse brands, consumers and markets, and he has been witness to, and a part of the sweeping changes that have overtaken India in the last decade.
The workshop was attended by 57 participants from 23 diverse marketing companies like ABN Amro, Unilever, Mobilink, B.P. Industries, Cybernet, Dadex, Dawood Yamaha, PIA, Engro Chemicals and Foods, Kalsoft, Reckitt Benckiser, National Foods, Arif Habib, Allied Bank, etc along with participation from prominent ad agencies and media buying houses..